In this blog post i will be talking about the feedback i recieved from my classmates on presenting my twitterive. I was really eager to present my twitterieve because i had liked what i had done. I recieved some great feedback and ideas that i cant wait to change. My classmates told me to add more pictures of family events, and growing up not so many recent day pictures. I also realized i didnt have a "place." My classmates gave me some suggestions, and i am willing to play around and figure out which direction i would like to go in. I also agree with some comments on adding more personal family stories to go with pictures and events. Thanks for the feedback everyone!
This blog is about my revisions after meeting with classmates and suggestions I received.

After meeting with my classmates and looking over my twitterive, I wasn’t happy with what I had. We spent some time interviewing each other and when it came to mine I wasn’t connecting like I thought I had been. After receiving some good suggestions I thought I was on the right track. After changing my twitterive around like suggested, I added some camp letters and activities I still wasn’t happy. Finally, I changed my ENTIRE twitterive. Changing my twitterive was something that was time consuming but I am very happy I did it. I changed my topic to something I felt I was able to connect better with, my family. For my repetend I used my family member’s names in bold, colored font. I really enjoy how my twitterive is looking so far

This blog post provides interview questions that were talked about with my classmates. These questions were there to help us make sure all parts of our twitterive were there.

1) WHO are the characters in your story?
The characters in my story are my grandparents, parents, brothers, cousin, and my aunt. 
2) WHAT is your story? WHAT genres/modes are you using for your story?
My story is about my family members and how they are always there for me. They all have inspired me to be who I am today. The genres I used were pictures, poems, songs, stories and letters. My repetend the people I’m talking about that are bolded and enlarged in purple font.
3) WHEN does your story take place?
My story takes place my entire life. I am still being inspired on a daily basis from my family members.
4) WHERE is your place?
My place is anywhere I am with my family and love.  
5) WHY do you feel a connection/lack of connection to place?
I feel a connection because these people are the most important people in my life and I don’t know where I would be without them today.
6) HOW do you show your audience your connection/lack of connection to place?
I am going to show my connection through a picture slideshow at the end with my family members.