This blog post is all about my classmates twitterive that presented during last week’s class.

The first twitterive we saw was Danielle McCleerys which was about her childhood home. I really enjoyed seeing her story through pictures, recipes, and letters. I love her birthday party invitation; I thought that was a great touch. I still miss my childhood home, so I know how she feels and her twitterive shows her strong connection.

Rebecca’s twitterive was all about the relationship with her mom and how there is something missing. I really liked the pictures of her mom’s eyes; it really made you feel as if you were standing there included in the conversation. I loved how she faded the text color; it was something I didn’t realize until she pointed it out. I love everything Rebecca has done and can’t wait to see the changes she makes.

 Melanie Cress’s twitterive is all about being a mom to her adorable daughter Lillia. She is sooooo cute! I love the ultrasound video and the pictures. She has changed it since last class, and the changes helped a lot. It was a lot easier to read now being in chronological order.

Kristin Schoch’s twitterive is all about her connection to her car and how she feels in it. I really enjoyed Kristin’s twitterive because she was very creative with it including not just things about her car. I love how she had songs that she listens to and a coffee receipt.

Erin Suder’s twitterive is all about her break up with her boyfriend. I like how she used a picture from when they first started dating and a more recent picture, but I want to see more! I loved the letter she wrote and how she turned her story into a fairy tale. I can’t wait for Erin to revise it, and add more pictures and stories of their seven year relationship.

Krista Venafro’s twitterive was hilarious! She chose the topic of online dating, something she has been doing for about two years now. I loved the youtube video Krista found and her interpretation of the guys she dated. Krista’s was very funny, keep on going!

Lauren Wiesenecker's twitterive is all about her engagement and wedding planning. I love her page about her proposal with her videos that she made! Posting pictures of emails between her and Abel were a great touch! I cant wait to see the final product, and maybe even go to the wedding!! Ha