Where do i even begin? Technology is  something that has played a role in my life honestly since the day i was born, progressing year after year. My parents and even my older brothers growing up didnt have technology as a large part of of society. I dont know where i would be today with out my computer, ipad, or iphone! I am eager to see where the world of technology takes us in the future, because without technology we wouldnt have as many things as we do today!

            After reading Jewitts and Stites articles, having different varieties of communication is a very positive thing. Communicating with others in various forms can be very helpful and accessible. Having different types of social media available now at the drop of a pin is amazing. In today’s society anyone can find out anything about anybody, it’s crazy.

            Writing on these social Medias is very different from professionally writing. When it comes to writing for facebook, twitter, emailing and text messaging, there are no rules. Grammar is not a concern nor is punctuation. When it comes to writing for school or work, those are both very important.

            When these different forms of social media were created, everything changed. They have allowed many people to express themselves in many different ways. These technologies are changing and so is the world we are livening in. If it wasn’t for these new forms of communication we would still be in the Stone Age using a typewriter, which would really stink!

    To many digital immigrants technology is stressful and just a headache. Many digital immigrants do not want to learn new forms of technology because they are content and fine with how they live. They feel as if they have lived this long without it that others should also. These types of individuals are happy with the life they live and want nothing to change. 

    Technology is a very important tool for teaching various forms of information. Technology can be a fun and interactive way to teach for individuals to learn. When information is taught in a fun way that students are familiar with, they will want to learn and take in the information easier. Technology has become one of the largest, most important ways to teach technology in today’s society, so it is more important than ever to include it.