This week our class has two readings. The first reading is called, An Introduction to Qualitative Research and the second reading is called Situating Narrative Inquiry

                An Introduction to Qualitative Research was broken down into different sections. the first section is about the nature of qualitative research, the second is about the different research designs, the third is about the methods collecting qualitative data, the fourth is handling qualitative research data, the fifth is analyzing qualitative results, and the sixth section focuses on presenting the results of qualitative research. After reading the article I realized qualitative research answers questions using why, how, and what way. These are forms of questions that I use on a daily basis to find answers. Quantitative research answers with how much, how many, how often, and to what extent. These are questions that I always use and never realized there was a reason behind using them.

The next reading is called Situating Narrative Inquiry was a very interesting article. When writing in narrative you need to be consistent because it will be confusing for the reader to be going back and forth. I learned that narrative inquiry there are four components to make a narrative. 

1. a change in the relationship between the person conducting the research and the person participating as the subject.
2. a move from the use of number toward the use of words as data.
3. a change from a focus on the general and universal toward the local and specific
4. a widening in acceptance of alternative epistemologies or ways of knowing 

After reading this article, I think this will be really helpful for our upcoming project.


During class this week, we watched Food Inc. This was a very interesting and eye opening movie. The movie was broken down into chapters, each being a different problem in the food industry. My blog this week will be one three different questions and my responses.

Chapter Three: Unintended Consequences 
Q: 4. Kevin's mother says, "Sometimes it feels like industry was more protected than my son." What do you think of her words?

           I can’t even begin to explain how sad this story made me feel. Barbra Kowalyck and Patricia Buck had every right to stand up for Kevin and what happened to him. Who would have thought that eating a hamburger on vacation would kill their son. Within twelve days of eating the hamburger, Kevin died from e-coli. Hearing Barbra talk about how all Kevin wanted was a glass of water and she couldn’t even give it to her son broke my heart.
           The food industry was defiantly more protected than her son, which is disturbing. The food industry has business men with large amounts of money to back them up. The food industry could care less about anyone getting sick as long as it doesn’t hurt their business. The saddest part was that no one even apologized to the family. I think it’s very disturbing to know that while watching the movie made four years ago, the law had still not been passed.

Chapter Four: The Dollar Menu
Q: 9. Do you think healthy eating should be a right, a responsibility, or a privilege?

         Healthy eating should be a right, responsibility, but defiantly not a privilege. Healthy eating should be a right because every individual shoed have the choice to eat the foods they want to, whether it’s healthy or not. Everyone today has the right to do what they want and that includes choosing what they eat. Me personally, I try to eat as healthy as I possibly can but working and going to school full time doesn’t always allow me to.
          Healthy eating should be a responsibility because every individual is in charge of themselves and their actions. I take full responsibility for my eating habits and I know I should be eating healthier. I know there are choices I make that are not the best for me, but it is something that I personally need to work on, no one else.
        Personally I don’t believe healthy eating should be looked at as a privilege. When the word privilege is used, it sounds like only those who are wealthy can afford it. I think healthy eating should be available to everyone and anyone. I really enjoyed how in the movie they discussed how Wal-Mart is now carrying healthier and organic foods. Healthy eating should be available to everyone, not just “privileged” individuals who they think are wealthy and can afford it.

Chapter Nine: Shocks to the System
Q:16. If healthful, environmentally sustainable food were to cost less than other food, do you think people would eat more of it? Why do you think that?

            If healthy food were to cost less, I still feel as if it would depend on the person on whether or not they would eat more of it. If healthier options were cheaper, I would hope to say more people would choose fruit and vegetables. But there are still many people out there who prefer cookies and chips. I know I try to eat more fruits and vegetables that junk food but it doesn’t always happen. Like I said before being a full time student and working full time, there have been many days were I had to pick up something to eat while driving. There are many people that also do not care at all about the foods they eat. I honestly don’t know how much it would change from today is healthier food were to be cheaper. Yes, I believe the people who already buying the healthier options will buy more but there are still many people who don’t care.

Where do i even begin? Technology is  something that has played a role in my life honestly since the day i was born, progressing year after year. My parents and even my older brothers growing up didnt have technology as a large part of of society. I dont know where i would be today with out my computer, ipad, or iphone! I am eager to see where the world of technology takes us in the future, because without technology we wouldnt have as many things as we do today!
In this blog post i will be talking about the feedback i recieved from my classmates on presenting my twitterive. I was really eager to present my twitterieve because i had liked what i had done. I recieved some great feedback and ideas that i cant wait to change. My classmates told me to add more pictures of family events, and growing up not so many recent day pictures. I also realized i didnt have a "place." My classmates gave me some suggestions, and i am willing to play around and figure out which direction i would like to go in. I also agree with some comments on adding more personal family stories to go with pictures and events. Thanks for the feedback everyone!
This week assignment was to read two articles pertaining to food. The Omnivore's Dilemma (Pollan) and The Pleasures of Eating (Berry). These were to get us thinking before we watched Food Inc.

The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan, his article talks about the food chains and how everything is connected. "A country with a stable culture of food would not shell out millions for the quackery (or common sense) of a new diet book every January." This was a quote that stuck out to me the most. Every other day there is a new cook book coming out from a chef, celebrity or anyone in general! Surprisingly, there are people out there who believe EVERYTHING that are written in cookbooks, and they follow them exactly. Not everything is always right for each individual, even if it is the newest diet fad! Pollan also discusses healthy choices such as organic and fast food options.

Fast food may be easier for parents and working individuals if they are on the go, but they are not the best choices. Fast food is not healthy, no matter what any person or commercial says.

In Berry’s article, he talks about how people in today’s society are rushed more than ever forcing them to eat fast food and food on the go. "And they mostly ignore certain critical questions about the quality and the cost of what they are sold: How fresh is it? How pure or clean is it, how free of dangerous chemicals? How far was it transported, and what did transportation add to the cost?" This quote is very true, and more importantly true to me. Rushing from work to school almost every day of the week I am forced to take food on the go. There are some times where I don’t get to go home between and I am forced to stop and pick something up to eat on the way. There has been a few times where I stopped at the super market because it was the only place I would pass. The questions in Berrys quote are not questions that came to mind when picking something up to eat nor never crossed my mind.

After reading both articles, they really made me think about my eating habits and how I may need to make some changes. There are many things that I never considered, that I really should have. I am very excited to watch the movie Food Inc and see what other information I can receive.

This blog post is all about my classmates twitterive that presented during last week’s class.

The first twitterive we saw was Danielle McCleerys which was about her childhood home. I really enjoyed seeing her story through pictures, recipes, and letters. I love her birthday party invitation; I thought that was a great touch. I still miss my childhood home, so I know how she feels and her twitterive shows her strong connection.

Rebecca’s twitterive was all about the relationship with her mom and how there is something missing. I really liked the pictures of her mom’s eyes; it really made you feel as if you were standing there included in the conversation. I loved how she faded the text color; it was something I didn’t realize until she pointed it out. I love everything Rebecca has done and can’t wait to see the changes she makes.

 Melanie Cress’s twitterive is all about being a mom to her adorable daughter Lillia. She is sooooo cute! I love the ultrasound video and the pictures. She has changed it since last class, and the changes helped a lot. It was a lot easier to read now being in chronological order.

Kristin Schoch’s twitterive is all about her connection to her car and how she feels in it. I really enjoyed Kristin’s twitterive because she was very creative with it including not just things about her car. I love how she had songs that she listens to and a coffee receipt.

Erin Suder’s twitterive is all about her break up with her boyfriend. I like how she used a picture from when they first started dating and a more recent picture, but I want to see more! I loved the letter she wrote and how she turned her story into a fairy tale. I can’t wait for Erin to revise it, and add more pictures and stories of their seven year relationship.

Krista Venafro’s twitterive was hilarious! She chose the topic of online dating, something she has been doing for about two years now. I loved the youtube video Krista found and her interpretation of the guys she dated. Krista’s was very funny, keep on going!

Lauren Wiesenecker's twitterive is all about her engagement and wedding planning. I love her page about her proposal with her videos that she made! Posting pictures of emails between her and Abel were a great touch! I cant wait to see the final product, and maybe even go to the wedding!! Ha